Filtered by category "procedures"

Pacemaker & Defibrillator
Pacemaker A pacemaker is used to control abnormal heart rhythms. The Pace maker uses electrical pulses to prompt the heart to beat at a normal rate.
Holter Moniter
Holter Monitor A battery operated portable device that measures and tape records the hearts activity continuously for 24, 48, or 72 hours. This [...]
Cardiac Imaging
Three Methods of Cardiac Stress Testing: Cardiac Stress Testing: Cardiac Stress testing evaluates the possibility of coronary disease in [...]
Methods of Vascular Studies
Venous: Ultrasound used to check circulation in the large veins in the legs ( sometimes the arms), this exam will show any blockage in the veins [...]
Echo Uses sound waves to produce images of the heart. This image allows the physician to see how the heart is beating and pumping blood, which [...]
Cardiac Procedures
Peripheral Angiogram A peripheral angiogram is a simple procedure that uses X-rays and dye to help the physician find narrowed or blocked areas [...]